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there seems to be a little missunderstanding here: audio tags are not meant as end-products, they're just props for an interaction design project. so don't worry. you will most certainly never have the opportunity to smash any of them since you'll never encounter any.


Don't worry -- I get it ... Your installation actually sounds pretty cool, and in fact is very much like one of the art projects proposed in one of the Viridian Design contests. I'm thinking in more generic terms -- audio emplacements -- and the potential annoyances and intrusions that such technology makes available not only to folks who are artistes, but also merchants. Of whatever. I'd be very interested in seeing if you get aural "graffiti taggers" -- if you put up a nice blank (public) space, what will appear there? I should also be clear that I absolutely think that these technologies are going to become pervasive, and I hope that lots of creative people will make better use of them than trying to sell me expensive water, or penis enhancement, or whatever.

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