The new book Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track your Every Move with RFID is out.
Bruce Sterling from the foreword (or is it a preface?):
It's like watching Big Brother come home and get a rolling pin broken over his head by Mrs. Big Brother, who knows that, even though he thinks he's everybody's daddy, he's a stalker, and a voyeur, and a crook, and a cheat, and a drunk on his own ego, and a handwashing, sniveling deadbeat who out to be ashamed of himself.'
This tome ought to liven things up a bit just as the biggest players are getting ready to make their play.
Note: it is not at all clear to me why Amazon offers me special pricing if I purchase this book along with The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocaplypse . . . perhaps Amazon applies its "raving loon" algorithm to books about RFID, since several of the recent ones appear to link the chips with the Mark of the Beast, etc.